About Us

What is NAAHP?

The National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions is an organization of health professions advisors at colleges and universities throughout the United States, and abroad.

NAAHP was established in 1974 to coordinate the activities and efforts of four independent regional associations, so that health professions advisors across the nation could function together and speak with one voice. It has grown steadily from that beginning into an effective national clearing house for opinions of advisors and news from acupuncture and oriental medicine, allopathic medicine, athletic trainers, chiropractic, dental, health administration, naturopathic medicine, nursing, occupational therapy, optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, physical therapy, physician assistant, podiatric medicine, public health, speech-language-hearing, and veterinary medicine. In addition, NAAHP has established partnerships with health professions schools and their organizations through advisor liaisons and an Advisory Council comprised of representatives from these organizations.

The success of NAAHP is directly dependent upon its four regional associations — Central (CAAHP), Northeast (NEAAHP), Southeast (SAAHP) and West (WAAHP) — from which it derives its strength and its membership. NAAHP encourages each regional group and each member to share more fully their experiences and information with other regions and advisors, and has given all advisors a nationally recognized forum in which to state their views and share their research studies through its quarterly publication, The Advisor.

Our Mission

The National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions (NAAHP) is an inclusive, interprofessional community dedicated to promoting the professional growth of our members and partners as they develop the next generation of healthcare providers.

Our Vision

The National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions (NAAHP) is the premier organization that educates and trains members and partners to support pre-health student success.

What makes NAAHP worthwhile?

Through its services, NAAHP gathers, sifts, and disseminates helpful information in a far more effective way than any individual advisor could do independently.

Through a unified voice, advisors can have an impact with health professions schools, associations, and application services by communicating the needs of advisors and their students.

NAAHP By-laws

The National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions maintains a bylaws document for structure and management of the association. To view the most recent edition of the guidelines, please click the link below.

NAAHP By-laws

Updated September 2022